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A Mom's Guide to Handling Your Injury Case:  Some Helpful hints to keep in mind.

1.  After a collision, if you think you or your children are seriously injured, seek medical attention immediately.  When treatment is delayed, it becomes more challenging to connect your injury to the accident, and not something else. 

2. You do not need to provide any information to the other driver except for an exchange of your ID and insurance information.  An insurance adjuster may demand a recorded statement, and may ask for a medical release.  You are not obligated to give the other driver’s insurance company a recorded statement or medical release right away.  Insurance adjusters are trained to ask questions that will bait you into saying things that will be used to minimize your injuries.   

 3.  Be aware of statements you give to your doctors.  Anything you tell your doctor may end up in the medical records and will be a part of your permanent record.  For example, if you told your doctor you were in a “mild fender bender”, the insurance company will use that as ammunition to deny injury claims. 

4. Follow the treatment plan your medical providers give you.  Continuous care is important for your recovery and your claim. 

5. Be transparent with your attorney about any past accidents, injuries and/or medical conditions so she can best represent you as fully informed.  

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